Thursday, August 20, 2015


Original sketch for The Magician (I)

Closer to how The Magician (I) will look in final version

The Magician (I) in the well-known Rider/Waite/Smith deck

OK, I've taken the leap and posted The Fool for my newest deck-in-progress (See Footnote re: two other decks in the works). So next in line is THE MAGICIAN (I).

As I've worked on this deck's designs there are some that have changed very little over the going on two years I've been at it. They were themselves from the giddyup. That's how it's been with this card, THE MAGICIAN. It's energy came through onto my drawing table (so to speak) early on in an orderly fashion and I have been quite content with it. The only changes I might make are in the styles of suit symbols (especially that of the sword). But it's entirely possible I won't, as details might crowd the picture. And, above almost anything else, it's plain and simple that I have been aiming for in this deck. (BTW, those dots at the top of the THE MAGICIAN card are the no longer relevant brailling. For the history on this see link below in the red font paragraph. These dots will not appear in the final card versions.)

I'm presently working my way through the Majors in THE MARKER TAROT, making changes in the cards as needed. Sometimes re-drawing the design if it's been over worked. I have been surprised to find out how fresh this project feels, even after gathering dust on my shelf for some time. Doing this work has also revivified my interest in my Taiga Tarot (a new card design will be up on that blog soon).

Next up in THE MARKER TAROT will be The High Priestess (II). She's prepared and waiting placidly in the wings.

Footnote: The other two decks I've got going are Roswila's Taiga Tarot (blog dedicated solely to the deck's designs), and Roswila's Tarot Gallery & Journal (you can search for "Found Tarot" at the top left of this blog; the photo/cards for The Found Tarot are salted betwixt and between all sorts of other posts).

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For the full details (history of and ideas behind this deck's designs) please see this blog's first post, The Fool.

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'til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot, in whatever forms it comes to you,

[aka: Patricia Kelly]
****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under "View my complete profile")**** SEE ALSO: United Haiku and Tanka Society (UHTS) (charter member); Roswila's Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry; Roswila's Tarot Gallery & Journal; Roswila's Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka); Trying to Hold A Box of Light for digital photos only.

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